The labeling on food packaging boxes mainly includes the following categories:
QS标志 :
QS logo:
定义 :QS是英文“Quality Safety”的缩写,表示食品符合质量安全的基本要求。
Definition: QS is an abbreviation for "Quality Safety" in English, indicating that food meets the basic requirements of quality and safety.
应用 :国内从事米、面、油、酱油、醋等加工食品,肉制品、乳制品、饮料、调味品、方便面、饼干、罐头等必须有QS标志才能出厂销售。
Application: In China, processing foods such as rice, flour, oil, soy sauce, vinegar, meat products, dairy products, beverages, seasonings, instant noodles, cookies, canned goods, etc. must have the QS logo before they can be sold from the factory.
无公害农产品标志 :
Pollution free agricultural product logo:
定义 :由麦穗、对勾和“无公害农产品”字样组成,代表农产品达到无公害标准,强调安全性。
Definition: Composed of wheat ears, check marks, and the words "pollution-free agricultural products", it represents that agricultural products meet the pollution-free standards and emphasizes safety.
绿色食品标志 :
Green Food Label:
定义 :由绿色食品图案(太阳、叶片和蓓蕾构成的正圆形图案)和“绿色食品”字样组成,表示食品是无污染、安全、优质、营养的。
Definition: Composed of a green food pattern (a circular pattern composed of the sun, leaves, and buds) and the words "green food", it indicates that the food is pollution-free, safe, high-quality, and nutritious.
有机食品标志 :
Organic food label:
定义 :有机食品在生产加工过程中不得使用人工合成的化肥、农药和添加剂,标志通常包括粮食、蔬菜、水果等。
Definition: Organic food must not use artificially synthesized fertilizers, pesticides, and additives in the production and processing process. The label usually includes grains, vegetables, fruits, etc.
生产日期和保质期标识 :
Production date and shelf life identification:
定义 :生产日期标识是食品生产日期,保质期标识是食品在正常保存条件下可以保持质量和安全性的时间。
Definition: The production date label is the date of food production, and the shelf life label is the time during which food can maintain quality and safety under normal storage conditions.
原料成分标识 :
Raw material ingredient identification:
定义 :标明产品所含原料的信息,有助于过敏体质的人避免食用可能引发过敏反应的食品。
Definition: Indicate the information of the raw materials contained in the product, which helps people with allergies avoid consuming foods that may cause allergic reactions.
营养成分标识 :
Nutrient labeling:
定义 :显示食品中营养成分含量的信息,包括能量、蛋白质、脂肪、糖类、维生素等。
Definition: Display information on the nutritional content of food, including energy, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, etc.
生产厂商信息标识 :
Manufacturer information identification:
定义 :包括企业名称、地址等,方便消费者追溯产品来源。
Definition: Includes enterprise name, address, etc., to facilitate consumers in tracing the source of products.
产品标准代号 :
Product standard code:
定义 :标明食品执行的标准代号,消费者可以通过代号了解食品的具体标准。
Definition: Indicate the standard code for food execution, and consumers can understand the specific standards of the food through the code.
食品质量安全生产许可证编号 :
Food Quality and Safety Production License Number:
定义 :获得食品质量安全生产许可证的企业,其食品在出厂销售前必须在包装上标注该编号。
Definition: Enterprises that have obtained a food quality and safety production license must label their food with this number on the packaging before leaving the factory for sale.
贮存条件 :
Storage conditions:
定义 :标明食品在保存过程中需要满足的条件,以确保食品质量。
Definition: Indicate the conditions that food needs to meet during storage to ensure food quality.
食品添加剂 :
Food additives:
定义 :标明所使用的食品添加剂在国家标准中的通用名称,帮助消费者了解食品成分。
Definition: Indicate the common name of the food additive used in the national standard to help consumers understand the food ingredients.
These labels together constitute important information on food packaging, helping consumers understand the quality and safety of food and make informed purchasing decisions. It is recommended that consumers carefully check these labels when purchasing packaged food to ensure that they purchase safe and qualified food.
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